It is a company created to provide the best software products aimed at the insurance market

Innovative and disruptive solutions, to make our customers more agile and flexible

Having the customer in the center allows costs reductions and minimize the time necessary for having a unique and advanced experience

Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine Learning

Our Products


It is a system for the design and deployment into production of products, services or their combinations in a parametric, agile and fast way with the following objectives:

  • Flexibility and immediacy the development of products and services
  • Adaptation to customer needs
  • Streamline the value proposition to the customer
  • Simplify the process of deploying into production
  • Pay per usage
  • Temporary guarantees depending on the customer needs
  • Shorten the time to market

Our modules

Product workshop

For the configuration and definition of parametric products and services in an agile and simple way, allowing to combine guarantees to subscribe all the needs of the customer under a single insurance contract

It is a modular system that allows to define any type of risk with its associated information in a minimum period of time

Permite crear paquetes de garantías para su comercialización…

Fare calculator

It allows to control and define the structure, operation and strategy to follow for the way of pricing the products and services to be offered to the customer.

In addition, it exists a fare simulator that allows to reproduce the behavior of a rate to be able to make comparisons of the portfolio in order to study and analyze the fare impact in detail


Systems for the issuance of policies and contracts, allows for quotations, policies / contracts, supplements and renewals

It allows to automatically display the parametric information associated with a product or service, and then calculate the price according to the technical and commercial settings defined

It allows guarantee activation and deactivation based on the temporary or permanent needs of the customers

Programa Kit Digital

¿Qué es el programa digital?

Es un programa de ayudas que pone a disposición el Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital cuyo objetivo es financiar los costes de transformación digital de las pequeñas y medianas empresas en todo el territorio nacional.

Requisitos Para Acceder Al Kit Digital

Los requisitos necesarios para que las Pymes y autónomos puedan solicitar la ayuda del Kit Digital son ser una pequeña empresa, microempresa o autónomo, y cumplir los límites financieros y efectivos que definen las categorías de empresas, entre otros.

¿Cómo Solicito El Bono Digital?

El bono se solicita a través de la web de, con la ayuda de un Agente Digitalizador Adherido. CDN os ayudará durante todo el proceso. Acelera Pyme es el portal oficial a través del que se tramitarán todas las ayudas del plan. Será el lugar para solicitarlas y también para contratar a las compañías que os prestarán los servicios de digitalización.

¿Cuál Es La Cuantía Económica De La Ayuda?

Segmento I | entre 10 y 50 empleados: 12.000€

Segmento 2 | Entre 3 y menos de 10: 6.000€

Segmento 3 | Entre 0 y 2 empleados: 2.000€

Importes de ayuda por categorías de Soluciones Digitales

Contact us

Cell: +34 669 83 49 31


Location: Tauro, 11 Móstoles
Madrid, 28936